The construction of the analytical category “Rural” in Brazil - Possibilities for Rural Education




ABSTRACT. The text that follows approaches the construction of the analytical category "Rural" in the Brazilian national context. Rather than forging such a categorization, both the influence of Pedagogical Ruralism in the elaboration and implementation of a given project, research on the peasant context, projected the image of the Field and its Subjects in order to accommodate or not groups that construct the rural areas. Through the bibliographic research and Content Analysis (Franco, 2005), we conducted a search of the field from researches in the period between 60 and 90. We aim to understand this process of elaboration of the Field as a category of Education, questions about the conceptual element. It´s consider the contribution of this exercise, above all, to understand this process along with its repercussions to the studies and practices experienced in the Field Education field. The outstanding approaches, primordial contributions, located in their time, point to the various relations with agriculture and its constitution. However, they do not show the possibility of other activities and other peculiarities that are not directly linked to the category "work" present in the Rural. The test allows the opening of new approaches, inviting the reinvention of the analytical category "Rural".

Keywords: Field, Research Category, Field Education.


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Claro, L. C., & Pereira, V. A. (2017). The construction of the analytical category “Rural” in Brazil - Possibilities for Rural Education. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 2(2), 811–829.


