Policy of expansion of Undergraduate Course in Rural Education: Challenges for the implementation of the National Program of Education of the countryside in the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
ABSTRACT. This text seeks to analyze the process of implementation of the Undergraduate Course in Rural Education of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, in order to understand the slowness of the Brazilian State in the execution of the management of educational policies. In order to do so, one takes into account the reciprocal articulations between state, education and rural education, in the Marxian perspective. Our analysis presupposes the totality of relationships between men, which allows us to reintegrate into this totality the material basis and political basis of the world of men. The policy of training teachers in the countryside is an action of the State that seeks to soften the pressures and demands presented by social movements linked to the struggle for agrarian reform. The expansion of the bachelor's degree focuses on the neoliberal policies that reduce the funds destined to the expansion of the courses, which directly affects the autonomy of the universities and the ideological factors arising from the pedagogical characteristics of the course, which has in the class struggle its main point is another obstacle to the expansion of LEDUCAMPO.
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