What did the Pedagogical Residency Program teach me? analysis of a resident's learning.





ABSTRACT. From the understanding of learning from a sociocultural perspective, which recognizes learning as participation in the world, we aim in this research to analyze the participation of a resident of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) of the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT), a subproject of the Pedagogy course. The research assumes the characteristics of qualitative research, of the case study type. For the production of data, the PRP was adopted as the research field and the reports produced by the resident and the conduct of an interview with the student were used as research instruments. The analyses allow us to perceive that participation in the PRP, based on the case studied, allows undergraduate students to have a more holistic view of the school, getting to know it in its different aspects, such as its routines and its diversity, as well as allowing students to project themselves as future teachers and perspective their practice by establishing, for example, at what level of education do you intend to work and the profile of teacher you want to assume.


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Author Biographies

Patrick Monteiro de Paula, Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins - UFNT


Joel Borges Freire, Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins - UFNT



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How to Cite

de Paula, P. M., & Borges Freire, J. (2024). What did the Pedagogical Residency Program teach me? analysis of a resident’s learning. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 10, 19467. https://doi.org/10.70860/ufnt.rbec.19467



Dossiê Expomatec: Conhecimento e Autonomia Docente no campo do Ensino das Área Curriculares