Educational projects as a teaching methodology for country education school Sol Nascente of Confresa-MT




ABSTRACT. Developing educational projects in rural schools can be a viable alternative because it provides moments of great learning to the subjects involved. In order to highlight the need to develop teaching methodologies for Rural Education, this study aimed to use educational projects as an alternative to attend to this clientele. The study, with a descriptive and exploratory character and a qualitative approach, is an action research developed at the Sol Nascente State School, which is a school located in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Confresa/MT. Two educational projects were developed: "Reading is accurate, dreaming is inevitable" and "Reading is the way to learn". The study of pedagogical projects aimed at the rural education schools led us to realize the importance of inserting reading literary books as action within these projects. Based on the assumption that it is possible to collaborate with student learning, this study investigated the development of projects as well as teaching methods that meet the local specificity in this case a rural school. Therefore, the intention of this investigation was to analyze the development of educational projects as teaching methodology for such schools and teaching modalities.


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Author Biographies

Noemia de Souza Ventura, Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso - IFMT

Especialização em Educação do Campo pelo IFMT. Graduação em Letras pela UNEMAT. Professora da Rede Estadual de Ensino em Confresa-MT (SEDUC/MT).

Marcelo Franco Leão, Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso - IFMT / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Doutorado em andamento em Educação em Ciências pela UFRGS. Mestrado em Ensino pela UNIVATES. Graduação em Química pela UNISC e em Física pela UNEMAT. Professor do IFMT Campus Confresa.



How to Cite

Ventura, N. de S., & Leão, M. F. (2018). Educational projects as a teaching methodology for country education school Sol Nascente of Confresa-MT. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 3(3), 991–1008.


