GerminAR-TE: workshops with childhood, art and nature that sow other relationships, other coexistence and other possible worlds                           


  • Pedro Lucas Nunes Lopes Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins - UFNT
  • Ana Paula Moreira de Souza Brito Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins - UFNT
  • Janaína Ribeiro de Rezende Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins - UFNT


Mots-clés :



ABSTRACT. This article is an experience report on the implementation of GerminAR-TE, an extension project developed in the ConViva! program of the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT), at the Center for Education, Humanities and Health (CEHS) in Tocantinópolis, focused on childhood, art and nature. The project aims to welcome children from the neighborhood where the University is located, as well as the daughters of staff and students, holding workshops for experiential environmental education. This work aims to present three workshops held with 20 children aged six to eleven, between November and December 2023. Understanding childhood in its plural form, we start from an approach that considers the materialities and corporealities of being a child, through attentive listening to the senses and forms of expression that they bring us. Playfulness is present in the workshops, whether in the games developed or in the methodological proposals for approaching the themes to be worked on, seeking to consider sensitive ways of dealing with them. Faced with the challenges that the construction of workshops presents, educators are asked to perform important activities for their teacher training, such as planning and evaluating activities, enabling the construction of a critical educational praxis.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Pedro Lucas Nunes Lopes, Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins - UFNT


Ana Paula Moreira de Souza Brito, Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins - UFNT

Estudante de Licenciatura em Pedagogia na UFNT Tocantinópolis

Janaína Ribeiro de Rezende, Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins - UFNT

Doutora em Psicologia Social, professora do curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia e coordenadora do Laboratório Brinquedoteca Mário de Andrade 


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Comment citer

Lopes, P. L. N., Moreira de Souza Brito, A. P., & Ribeiro de Rezende, J. (2024). GerminAR-TE: workshops with childhood, art and nature that sow other relationships, other coexistence and other possible worlds                           . Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 10, 19437.



Dossiê Expomatec: Conhecimento e Autonomia Docente no campo do Ensino das Área Curriculares

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