Rural Education: a proposal of teacher training for multisseries classes in wheel format




ABSTRACT. This article presents a section of the research of professional masters, of the line of Formation of Educational Managers, that studies the education of the countryside and the plurality existing in the school context, presenting like product of intervention a proposal of continuous formation in format of wheel of conversation about of the theme: pedagogical experiences shared by teachers working in multi-series rooms in the municipality of Eldorado/SP. During the process of analysis of the school context object of this work, information collected from interviews with teachers who work in multi-series rooms were considered for the elaboration of the proposal of training in wheel as a space of sharing and collaboration, which, enhances interaction and dialogue. Through this research, it is argued that the talk wheel as a proposal for teacher training makes it possible to learn to record the planning and action of wheel procedures and the preparation of diary, which can be considered salutary for the development of proposals associated with inclusion demands typical of rural schools.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Flaviana Maria de Oliveira, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo - UNICID

Pedagoga, Mestre em Educação, diretora de escola da Rede Pública do município de Eldorado/SP.

Roberto Gimenez, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo - UNICID

Docente de Programa de Mestrado em Educação da Universidade Cidade de São Paulo na área de concentração Sujeito, Formação e Ap´rendizagem. Docente e Pesquisador do Programa de Formação de Gestores Educacionais da Universidade Cidade de São Paulo. 



Comment citer

de Oliveira, F. M., & Gimenez, R. (2018). Rural Education: a proposal of teacher training for multisseries classes in wheel format. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 3(3), 1084–1104.


