What do Children tell us? Listening and observation pointing directions





ABSTRACT. This article aims to address the relevance of listening and observation in the work built with children. To this end, we will present a project carried out in a public school, of Early Childhood Education, in the city of Rio Grande-RS. The foundation of this research was qualitative, composed of grounded data theory and project methodology. Among the main results obtained, we highlight that belonging and emotions are fundamental factors for a shared and meaningful educational process. We also found that children are open to communicating their thoughts, desires and desires. In this sense, the sensitive exercise of listening and observation proves to be essential for a pedagogical work that aims to be carried out with respect for the protagonism of children.



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Author Biographies

Hardalla Santos do Valle, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPEL

She is Professor of the Higher Teaching Career, at the Faculty of Education, at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL). Doctor and Master by the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Pelotas (PPGE-UPEL). Graduated in Bachelor of History (FURG), Degree in History (FURG) and Pedagogy (UNINTER). She specializes in Neuropsychopedagogy (FAVENI), Psychopedagogy (FAVENI) and Specialized Educational Service-AEE (FURG). She performed a Post-Doctoral Internship at the Graduate Program in Environmental Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande (PPGEA-FURG). She served as a teacher at FURG, E.M.EF Zenir de Souza Braga and E.M.EF. Dom Pedro II. She was a social educator at the Center for psychological studies of boys and girls living on the streets (CEP / RUA-FURG). She is currently a member of the Ecochildhood Studies Group (FURG). In her research, she addresses the following topics: sociological and historical aspects of children's education, vulnerable childhoods and institutional public policies aimed at children

Angela Bersch, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG

Graduated in Physical Education from the Federal University of Pelotas- UFPel (2003). Master in Environmental Education by the Graduate Program in Environmental Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG (2005). PhD by the Graduate Program in Environmental Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG. Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG. Professor of the Graduate Program in Education - PPGEDU/FURG.


Eliane Piske, Secretaria Municipal de Rio Grande - SMED

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG (2011). She is a Specialist in Education, area of concentration: Early Childhood Education (2014) at the Federal University of Pelotas- UFPel. Master in Environmental Education by the Graduate Program in Environmental Education - PPGEA/FURG (2016). PhD by the Graduate Program in Environmental Education (2021). She specializes in Specialized Educational Assistance- AEE (2022). from the Federal University of Rio Grande. She is a teacher at the City Hall of Rio Grande working in Early Childhood Education.


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How to Cite

Valle, H. . S. do, Bersch, A., & Piske, E. (2023). What do Children tell us? Listening and observation pointing directions. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 8, e15801. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.rbec.e15801



Dossiê: Olhares na Educação Infantil