Environmental Education and sustainability: case study at Campo Padre Antônio Vieira State School - Elementary School, Francisco Alves / PR
https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.rbec.e10817Mots-clés :
Environmental diagnosis, Environmental Perception, Sense of Belonging, Subject of the field.Résumé
ABSTRACT. The rural school can be one of the main spaces for human transformation, when historicity and local knowledge are taken into account. Therefore, it is essential to have an adequate structure and to recognize mechanisms for building the identity of the subject in the field. Thus, it fosters the development of a sense of belonging that can transform the location where the school is located. In this context, this work aimed to characterize the State School of Campo Padre Antônio Vieira - Elementary School, located in the district of Rio Bonito, municipality of Francisco Alves, Paraná (PR) regarding aspects of environmental education and sustainability. Thus this end, the qualitative aspects were mainly addressed, using documentary research methodologies, environmental perception and focus group analysis. The data obtained were categorized according to the content analysis methodology. From the information obtained, some sensitive points related to the sustainability tripod were observed, such as: In the environmental aspect, it was found the lack of actions aimed at environmental education and few correct environmental practices; In the social aspect, the absence of the feeling of belonging to the school community, devaluation of the teaching-learning process and abandoned garden; In the economic aspect, the families' financial difficulties were observed.
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