Vol. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication

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We inform that the Brazilian Scientific Journal of Rural Education will adopt from 2019 the Continuous Publication (PC). The goal is to accelerate the process of communication and socialization of research, making them available more quickly, according to Scielo. It is important to point out that this type of publication is being widely used by several national and international journals, as well as making it easier to publish articles indexed in databases for research.

Published: 2019-01-31




  • English as a second language: helping international students get ready for college in the U.S.

    Petr Kandidatov
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.rbec.v4e6877


  • Rural Education: a historical struggle

    Gabriela Barbosa Souza
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.rbec.v4e6032


  • Educação do Campo em Arraias/TO: relato de uma experiência

    George Leonardo Seabra Coelho
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.rbec.v4e6502

Dossiê Temático: Políticas para a educação e a diversidade sociocultural

Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil

Reviewers and Referees